Открывайте игры и приложения для Android

Women Power image
Women PowerWomen's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by discovering a bunch of Android games with strong female characters? After all, everybody knows women do run the world! We've got a bit of everything: RPGs, puzzle games, and even a very intense MOBA! Keep reading to discover all you need to know about them and enjoy Women's Day with a good old mobile game.
Editorial Card Views Icon88.5K Просмотров07/03/2023
The Year of the Tiger image
The Year of the TigerThis might be the most important holiday for the giant Asian country, but the truth is that the Chinese New Year is celebrated worldwide with festivals, food, music... anything that can transport us to the land of panda bears! And you already know how we celebrate things here at Aptoide: with apps! Below you’ll find some of the apps that will help you understand a bit more of China. Ready for the trip?
Editorial Card Views Icon98.5K Просмотров03/02/2022
Best of 2021 image
Best of 2021Many things have happened during 2021, but most important, many Android things happened! We’ve gathered some of the best titles published during the last 12 months so you don’t miss the highlights of the Android gaming world. Some of them excelled in terms of downloads, and others are here because they truly surprised us. Anyway, we believe it’s a great way of closing 2021!
Editorial Card Views Icon180K Просмотров29/12/2021
Китайский Новый Год image
Китайский Новый ГодThis might be the most important holiday for the giant Asian country, but the truth is that the Chinese New Year is celebrated worldwide with festivals, food, music... anything that can transport us to the land of panda bears! And you already know how we celebrate things here at Aptoide: with apps! Below you’ll find some of the apps that will help you understand a bit more of China. Ready for the trip?
Editorial Card Views Icon72K Просмотров05/02/2021
Вопросы конфиденциальности image
Вопросы конфиденциальностиКто не слышал о последних обновлениях Условий использования WhatsApp? Все говорят об этом, и другие приложения для обмена сообщениями, такие как Telegram и Signal, испытывают значительный прирост количества пользователей. Но правда в том, что не только Facebook и его приложение для обмена сообщениями находятся в центре внимания проблем конфиденциальности: браузеры, почтовые клиенты и даже облачные сервисы обрабатывают ценную информацию о каждом из нас - поэтому мы представляем коллекцию основных инструментов, которые позволят сказать ХВАТИТ!
Editorial Card Views Icon135.5K Просмотров15/01/2021